Join us for our social evening on

·       Sat­ur­days 2–5 pm

·       Wednes­days 6:30–10 pm


No oblig­a­tion to pay for Mem­ber­ship. 


Mem­ber­ship only applies to mem­bers par­tic­i­pat­ing in league match­es. 


Pay as lit­tle as £6.5 to join our week­ly gath­er­ings.


We’re excit­ed to invite you to an evening of casu­al chess games. You can inter­act with high-lev­el play­ers and enjoy our refresh­ment facil­i­ties. Our venue offers an easy com­mute to cen­tral Lon­don, mak­ing it con­ve­nient for every­one. 

Location: Lillington Garden Community Centre, 57 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 2LF

High­lights of the evening include:

  • Casu­al Chess Games: Chal­lenge your­self and have fun play­ing chess in a relaxed set­ting.
  • Meet High-Lev­el Play­ers: Inter­act and learn from expe­ri­enced chess enthu­si­asts.
  • Refresh­ments: Enjoy a vari­ety of snacks and drinks through­out the evening.
  • Con­ve­nient Loca­tion: Our venue is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from cen­tral Lon­don

We look for­ward to see­ing you there!

We wel­come mem­bers of any age or abil­i­ty to join our club for a friend­ly atmos­phere where you can learn from expe­ri­enced play­ers and our in-house coach­es. We have mem­bers from diverse back­grounds and dif­fer­ent abil­i­ty lev­els. This allows mem­bers to be eli­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate in league games,  reg­u­lar tour­na­ments and social evenings. If you’re fac­ing finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ty, please get in touch with us. You can join 

Mem­ber­ship Rates (July 2024 /25)

  • Adults: £55 per annum
  • Juniors: £35 per annum
  • Con­ces­sion: £35 per annum
  • WGM/WIM: Free

Vis­i­tor’s are wel­come to play at £6.5 per vis­it.

Reg­u­lar friendly/rated match­es will be organ­ised every month based on £6.5 per board 

Pay­ment can be made by elec­tron­ic bank trans­fer or cash. Please see the bank details below:

Bank: HSBC

Name: London Women Chess Club

Sort Code: 40–05-20
Account Num­ber: 72293072

Play­ing com­pet­i­tive league chess requires Eng­lish Chess Fed­er­a­tion (ECF) mem­ber­ship. This is avail­able for around £18 per year. Full details are avail­able on the ECF web­site: ECF 

Sub­scrip­tion Form:



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